Hey, how’s, it going everyone. This is your cute and cuddly YouTube expert Derral Eve’s dear well today. I know a lot of you would love to grow on YouTube. Would love to get more visibility, love to get your videos found if you’re interested in this, I actually asked Tim to come all the way to Utah to answer this question for you.

So if you’re interested in the number one ranking factor on YouTube, then you need to stay tuned, alright, Tim. So why don & # 39? T you introduce yourself to my audience, even though they’re, probably already subscribed.

My name is Tim Schmoyer and I have a channel youtube.com, slash video creators that doesn’t have the same stuff. It’s all about helping. You guys grow your YouTube audiences, so you can spread a message that changes lives.

Now, if you’re, not subscribed to Tim, there’s, a link in the description below and also at the end of this video will actually push some traffic. Your ways for there now here’s, an important thing now.

I know a lot of people, ask you and asked me a lot of questions about how do I actually get found on YouTube? You know what’s, the number one most important thing about YouTube right. What do you actually tell them? I tell them go subscribe to Julie and then, after that, it’s.

Yeah get people watching your videos, but not just like starting and clicking away, but watching building the watch time on that video and on consecutive videos that they watch. After that doing. The viewing is extending the viewing session exactly and that’s called session watch time.

So when someone’s watching a video, the you know what they’re staying on the video is the viewer watch time and when they stay on YouTube, that’s. The session watch time that’s. Youtube’s goal. Ultimately it’s like we want people to stay on this platform, watch as many videos as possible and subscribing to as many channels as we can see as many ads as possible.

You know, like I’m, just getting people to really extend that viewing session on YouTube, and if your video helps you to breach that goal YouTube. Thank you and reward you for they definitely do and that’s.

One of the things that I found, if you actually have great session watch name great viewer watch time YouTube, promotes the heck out of your channel. They promote the heck out of the video because they’re, like oh, my gosh.

This is a great video, let’s, just put it with related videos and that’s when your views actually come up. So it’s, really important strategy yeah. So, on Tim’s Chan, we actually talked about something that will increase the the watch, the watch time right, yeah the session watch time.

We talked about playlists a little bit and how to best use those it’s, a very practical way to extend the viewing session by manually, curating that session for viewers exactly and that’s. One of the tips that most people most creators actually don’t.

Do I actually consult quite a bit with clients and I like look at their back into their YouTube channel. I’m, like oh, my gosh. They only have four playlists that’s like it’s like all videos. Exactly now, besides the playlist there’s, other ways to actually increase your viewer watch time in session watch time, and one of the ways is to look into the analytics right.

So you can see your audience retention scores in there. It gives you a little graph and shows you exactly where people are abandoning at your videos, and you can have great information. You can see it like.

Okay, what’s happening here? This point of the video that people are kind of like disinterested it’s, not holding their attention. Maybe I’m rambling too much like I might be right now and so Daryl can see like I ruined his video, because I just keep talking about this, so I will put – I will put a card right here at this moment and send them To your video, I’ll just keep rambling, so he does more of that, but that’s.

That kind of an important factor. I know a lot of people are really worried about actually Oh sending traffic to someone else and the biggest tip this is a secret secret tip secret is, if you bring people to your one video, your first video, you get credit for your viewer watch time.

If they go on to Tim &, # 39 s channel and do the binge like watch every single video guess who gets credit for that? You, if you guys want to help Dara’s channel. You have to go watch all my videos, but you have to come to my video first.

After watching this videos, I mean yeah exactly where you can watch a lot of his videos too, or do the same thing yeah. Vice versa, yeah yeah there you go well the best ways to do this. Also do collaborations you promote other people’s channels.

They will, then you can get a lot more. People like after watching this video go watch a lot of the other creator stuff too. So there’s, a lot more information. We can actually discuss about viewer watch time and session watch time, but is there any last words of wisdom that you’d, actually give our viewers here today before we actually send them over to your channel to binge watch all your content, consistency? It’s really important too, and that’s.

A good way to extend your reach to your regular publishing new content. Youtube really allows favor those channels that’s, a big thing, and that makes it easy for people like no one to come back to keep giving you more watch time.

Alright, thank you. Everyone for coming on don’t forget to go to Tim’s channel it’s in the description below and check out a few of those videos. But you need to watch the video that we’d. Discuss playlists right that’s gonna take like what we just talked about here about session watch time and give you some very practical tips on how to improve that.

Alright, so thank you! Everybody! If you haven’t subscribed yet go ahead and subscribe. If you haven’t subscribed to tim, yet go ahead and subscribe. Alright, thank you and have a wonderful and productive day.


Source : Youtube

Ever wondered what the most important metric is on Youtube? Tim Schmoyer joins Derral Eves to discuss the Number one factor ranking factor for YouTube.
Tim and Derral’s other half of the training – The Best Way to Rank Videos #1 in Search

Check Out Tim’s Channel

Session watch time helps the YouTube algorithm for suggested videos to include longer overall viewing times…

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Session Watch Time – Most Important Factor in Ranking your YouTube


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