Mr. Beast just bought a portion of the VidSummit. – And you’re probably wondering why? Why did I buy part of VidSummit? Well here’s why. At the time I’m recording this video, I have 8,000 subscribers and 1.

8 million views. So whenever you see this, compare these numbers to whatever I have when you watch this. In the last year, I’ve gained 15 million subscribers and most people don’t realize this, but it wasn’t my first year.

– [Man On Rocks] Whoa. I’m a slip. – [Narrator] So sad. – I know, shocker. I’ve actually done YouTube for eight years and for the first five years I was just, you know, figuring things out and I didn’t really get anywhere.

Oh, I’m shaking a lot. Sorry, my hands shake. Let’s set this down. Did that fix it? When I had 10,000 subscribers, me and my small YouTube friends at the time would literally, not even joking, spend hours every single day just studying data, looking at our videos, analyzing how we could make them better.

So the average watch time’s gonna be below 10 seconds. YouTube’s gonna see that, and it’s not gonna appear at the top of the search result. We relentlessly pursued it, with thousands of hours in Skype calls and phone calls, I kid you not.

And, you know, over the years, we just started to figure YouTube out. Yeah, but how did we know this would take forever and not realize it would take forever? If I knew five years ago what I currently know now, I’d be so much further ahead than where I currently am, it’s crazy.

Knowledge on YouTube is key and it’s very important that you surround yourself with the right people, because you guys do rub off and influence each other. Which is why Derral is one of my mentors and we were actually having a strategy meeting one time and, do you still have that picture from it? – [Camera Man] Well, I think it’s on your phone.

– Is it, well, if we find it, it’s right here. And it was at that meeting, that Derral told me about VidSummit because I was always telling him that I wanted more data-oriented YouTube friends than the few ones I had.

And he was like “Jimmy, that’s exactly why I made VidSummit, for people like that to connect.” – [Male Speaker] So take advantage of everyone that’s sitting around you who also just wants to just.

.. (makes vomit noise) Vomit video, and just, vomit on each other and whatever. – I was like wow, this is literally what I’ve been looking for. Because as weird as it sounds, I’ve always wanted to make something similar to it.

So yeah, just a place where people can get together, share data, talk business, and not really worry about holding back. I experienced my first VidSummit last year, and to keep things short for this video, I really loved it.

The Youtubers, the atmosphere, the business people, everyone’s just so friendly, and great, and knowledgeable and it was literally exactly what I wanted. And again, I’m omitting details here and there to keep the video short, but basically I loved the first day of VidSummit, as biased as that sounds.

And, literally right then and there I knew I wanted to be a part of it. So I started to hound Derral, and I was like hey, sell me part of it. Which surprisingly, he was pretty quick to come around to that deal.

It probably helps that me and him consistently talk about data on a regular basis, and he was just like “yeah, makes sense.” (clanking sounds) That’s how I became part of VidSummit, no crazy story here.

I’m actually speaking this year at VidSummit, and in my totally unbiased opinion, my speech alone is worth you coming. (Bell Sound) If I could go back in time and just talk to my 13 year old self, and just sit him down and just tell him how I blew up, how I got 22 million subscribers, just things I learned along the way, that’s exactly what I’m gonna be talking about in my keynote at VidSummit.

So make sure to purchase your Vidsummit tickets. You could potentially save five years worth of grinding on YouTube. Like literally, if I took this knowledge and gave it to younger me… Let me know what you think about the quality.

I would be five years further along my YouTube career than I am now. So, it is worth your time. Pewdiepie, pewdiepie. (shouting) So honestly, if you’re serious about YouTube, you really want to be the best you can, you need to come to VidSummit.

You could potentially save yourself years worth of learning by just studying people who have already been through all the things you’re trying to learn about. You know, where you want to be. I think it’s worth your time, and I hope you come.

But, yeah, hey future me, you’ll probably forget about this video and be like, what the heck is this? (laughs) I’m just really bored, I should be studying for a history test. You’ll probably know which history test I’m talking about.

Hopefully I didn’t fail it, or by the time you see this you probably won’t care that I failed it. I’m probably gonna fail it, because I’m not studying. mr. bees just bought a portion of the VIN summit and you’re probably wondering why why did I buy part of it summit well here’s why at the time I’m recording this video I have eight thousand subscribers and 1.

8 million views so whenever you see this compare these numbers to whatever I have when you watch this in the last year I’ve gained 15 million subscribers and most people don’t realize this but it wasn’t my first year whoa on the slit so I’m sad I know shocker I’ve actually done YouTube for eight years and for the first five years I was just you know figuring things out in I didn’t really get anywhere shaking sorry my handshake did that fix it when I had 10,000 subscribers me and my small youtube friends at the time was literally not even joking spend hours every single day just studying data looking at our videos analyzing how we can make them better so the average watch times gonna be below 10 seconds YouTube’s gonna see that and it’s not gonna put up here at the top of searches we were little asleep er suited with thousands of hours than Skype calls and phone calls I kid you not and you know over the years we just started to figure YouTube out yeah but how did we know this would take forever and not realize it would take forever if I knew five years ago what I currently know now I’d be so much further ahead than where I currently am it’s crazy knowledge on YouTube is key and it’s very important that you surround yourself with the right people because you guys do rub off and influence each other which is why Derral is one of my mentors and we’re actually having a strategy meeting one time and do you still have that picture from it well I think it’s on your phone is it well if we find it it’s right here and it was at that meeting that Daryl told me about bid summit because I was always telling him that I wanted more data oriented YouTube friends than the few ones I had and he was like Jimmy that’s exactly why I made bits of it for people like that to connect so take advantage everyone that’s sitting around you who also wants to just vomit video and just vomit on each other and whatever I was like wow this is literally what I’ve been looking for because as weird as it sounds I’ve always wanted to make something similar to it do yeah just a place where people can get together shared data talk business and not really worry about holding bags I experienced my first vid summit last year and to keep things short for this video I really loved it the youtubers that atmosphere at the business people everyone was just so friendly and great and knowledgeable and it was literally exactly what I wanted and again I’m omitting details here and there to keep the video short but basically I love the first day a bit something as high as did that sound and literally right then and there I knew I wanted to be a part of it so I started to hound Daryl and I was like hey so me part of it which surprisingly he was pretty quick to come around to the idea that it probably helps that meet him consistently talk about data on a regular basis and he was just like yeah it makes sense that time became part of its summit no crazy story here I’m actually speaking this year at bit summit and in my totally unbiased opinion my speech alone is worth you coming if I could go back in time and just talk to my 13 year old self and just sit him down and just tell him how I blew up how I got 22 million subscribers just things I learned along the way that’s exactly what I’m going to be talking about in my keynote at this summit so make sure to purchase your vid summit tickets you could potentially save 5 years worth of grinding on YouTube like literally if I took this knowledge and gave it to younger me let me know what you think about the quality I would be five years further along my youtube career than I am now so it is worth your time PewDiePie PewDiePie so honestly if you’re serious about YouTube you really want to be the best you can you need to come to vid summit you can potentially save yourself years worth of learning by just studying people who have already been through all the things you’re trying to learn about you know where you want to be I think it’s worth your time and I hope you don’t but yeah hey future me you’ll probably forget about this video and be like what the heck is this I’m just really bored I should be studying for history test you’ll probably know what she should be test I’m talking about hopefully I didn’t fail it or by the time you see this you probably won’t care that I failed it probably to fail because I’m not studying

Source : Youtube

MrBeast just bought VidSummit! Find out why he wanted to buy a YouTube conference that helps creators grow their audience and make more money! Find Out More –

VidSummit is NOT a place where influencers connect with their fans. Instead, VidSummit is where you become an industry insider. Without the fans at the event, influencers share the truth of what they do – the truth they would never share online. In other words, VidSummit is the only event where dozens of the top 1% of influencers show you how to get fans fast, build a brand and make millions from your content.

VidSummit – Los Angeles Oct 15-17 2019

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