Hey how’s it going everyone? This is your frugal YouTube expert Derral Eves. Now did you know that YouTube would like to give you a Free Ad to promote your YouTube channel? You heard me right, a Free Ad.

Have you taken advantage of this yet? Well if you haven’t, you need to watch this video. Because in this video, I’m going to show you where everything’s at, how to set it up, and how to get started.

Stay tuned. Now to really take advantage of this Free Ad, that YouTube’s offering it’s YouTube creators to really promote their YouTube channel to get more subscribers. What we need to do is mouse up to the upper right hand corner, click on the avatar icon and then come down to Creator Studio.

Now once you click this, YouTube tends to move things around quite frequently, you want to come over to this area here where it says channel and then under it will be featured content. Now this is actually going to show your featured video that you can have displayed at different times throughout your video that are playing.

What you’re able to see now it says Channel ad, this used to be fan finder and all you need to do is go ahead and select your Channel Ad, agree to the terms and conditions, go ahead and read that. And then you need to allow your channels to participate in this program and hit accept.

Once you do that you can go ahead and accept your Ad and that Ad will be used as trueview advertising trying to find that subscriber and YouTube uses it in Algorithm, who knows how often they serve those ads out but it seems to be really effective.

Now you can’t beat free right? You know it’s right. Well I’d love to hear what you’re going to put in your Ad, put it in the comments below so you can get those viewers to become your subscribers.

Now you just got a free training with a lot of free tips about a free ad on a free ad platform called YouTube, you gotta love Freebies. Hey I’ll tell you what, there’s another thing that’s free, clicking the subscriber button! It will always be free.

And it will give you free YouTube tips twice a week. So feel Free to click this button now! a housing one everyone this is your frugal YouTube expert Derral Eve’s now did you know that YouTube would like to give you a free ad to promote your YouTube channel you heard me right a free ad have you taken advantage of this yet well if you haven’t you need to watch this video because in this video I’m going to show you where everything’s at how to set it up and how to get started stay tuned Derral Eve’s done come now to really take advantage of this free ad that YouTube’s offering its YouTube creators to really promote their YouTube channel get more subscribers what we need to do is Mouse up to the upper right hand corner click on the Avatar icon and then come down to creator studio now once you click this YouTube tends to move things around quite frequently you want to come over to this area here where it says channel and then under it it’ll be featured content now this is going to actually show your featured video that you can have displayed at different times throughout your your videos that are playing but you’re able to see here now it says channel ad this used to be fan finder and all you need to do is go ahead and select your channel ad agree to the terms and conditions go ahead and read that and then you need to allow your channels participate in this program and hit accept once you do that you can go ahead and select your ad and that ad will be used as TrueView advertising trying to find that subscriber and YouTube uses an algorithm who knows how often they serve those ads out but it seems to be really effective now you can’t beat free right you know that’s right well I’d love to hear what you’re going to put in your ad put it in the comments below so that you can get those viewers become your subscribers now you just got a free training with a lot of free tips about a free ad on a free ad platform called YouTube you got to love freebies hey I’ll tell you what there’s another thing that sorry clicking the subscriber button it will always be free and it’ll get you free YouTube tips twice a week so feel free to click this button now you

Source : Youtube

YouTube is Giving away Free TrueView Video Ads for Creators. Watch this video to learn how you can take advantage of YouTube’s Free Channel Ad “Old Fan Finder” to promote your featured video on your YouTube Channel.

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How to Get FREE Trueview Ads for Your YouTube Channel


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