Nowadays anyone with Internet Access can really upload a video to YouTube. However, if you really want to make money off of your video content you might want to consider becoming a YouTube partner. Now the YouTube partner program is designed where YouTube selects YouTubers to share revenue with them.

With all those ads that are placed everywhere, the pre-roll ads, ads on the side. Well, in this video I’m going to show you actually how to become a YouTube partner and how to monetize your YouTube channel and also videos.

Now you really need to stick around and watch the full video, you need to watch ’till the end because I have some really important information before you go through the application process that you need to know.

Now YouTube has made some major policy changes to their partner program so you don’t want to miss this. And I will also discuss when it’s actually going to be better to consider another partner program outside of YouTube.

Let’s take a look! Alright, you ready to become a YouTube partner and to monetize your YouTube channel? Well to do this, first you need to come up to the top, click on this arrow and mouse down to video manager.

Now, when you click here you’re going to see all these options here on the left what you want to do is click “channel settings”. So let’s go ahead and select that. And the next thing is you need to make sure that your YouTube account is verified, that you’re channel is verified.

They do it through SMS or a voicemail going to a phone or cell phone. Check out my video on that also you need to make sure that you are in good standing, that you have no copyright strikes against you.

If so you won’t be able to actually monetize and make money on your YouTube channel. And basically the third step is to make sure that your account is more than 30 days old. Once that’s done you can actually click this “Enable” button where it says monetization or to become a YouTube partner.

So let’s go ahead and do that. And basically it says that it’s not enabled yet. What we’ll want to do is enable your account and you need to make sure that you actually have videos that are uploaded or they won’t let you monetize this.

But let’s go ahead and hit this blue button here. And it’s basically going to go through the terms of service that you’re going into to work with YouTube and also AdSense. You need to make sure that you’ve read the agreement and take time to read it.

Now you don’t want to lose any money or to be banned by YouTube that would be very bad. So make sure you read the terms of service and you need to agree and also opt-in for their content, ok and you need to make sure that you are older than 18 or you have a parent or guardian that’s doing this.

And once you’re good you click this blue button down here that says “I accept”. And once that’s done basically you just need to monetize all your videos, you can choose the ad formats, and hit “Monetize”.

Then it basically give you success that you basically monetized all your videos, I only have one video on this channel, go ahead and hit “got it”. Ok, now it takes you back to the video managers for your uploads and you’ll see that my only video that I have on this channel is now monetized and you can tell by this little green icon that has the dollar signs in it, says it’s monetized.

Now to basically change the monetization I’d recommend coming over to the edit button, click here, and you’re going to now notice that you’re actually going to have another tab here. So it’s going to be basic information, monetization, and also advanced settings.

What we’ll want to do is click on monetization and you can say “hey you know what this video actually has a paid product placement”, you can click this as well. Or you can say “you know what, I only want TrueView or overlaid ads” or “I don’t want any ads at all” and hit save.

Once that’s saved you can go back to the video manager and able to see that it does not have a green thing, it says it’s not monetized. So you can either choose to use monetization or not based off of the videos that you’re actually producing.

Ok right now some of you are watching this video from different countries around the world. And you might not be available to apply for the YouTube partnership program. I know, it can get disappointing.

Now also if you see the message that your monetization tab has been disabled this actually means that your account is ineligible for monetization and you may not be in good standing. So check out to see if you’re in good standing.

Also remember that you have to be 18 years old or have a parent or a guardian to actually get that money back from Google and YouTube. Now for you that are really serious about making money off of your video content you really need to see my special training that I put all together, it’s right here, just click this link.

It’s all about YouTube, partnership programs and all the other options that are out there for you. There’s a lot of good information on multi-channel networks with some really good videos. You need to check it out.

If you can’t click on this link look in the link below in the description. Now for all those that are really new to my channel, welcome! Hey, just make yourselves at home, take time to subscribe to my channel, and watch a video or two.

Especially this video, it is amazing, I promise that it is. Oh! And this video… and that video. Ok I guess there’s a lot of links here and you don’t know what to click on. Well, hit subscribe and just click on everything and I guess you’ll be following me, ok! nowadays anyone with internet access can really upload a video to YouTube however if you really want to make money off of your video content you might want to consider becoming a YouTube partner now the YouTube Partner Program is designed where YouTube selects youtubers to share revenue with them what all those ads that are placed everywhere the pre-roll ads ads on the side well in this video I’m going to show you actually how to become a YouTube partner and how to monetize your YouTube channel and also videos now you really need to stick around and watch the full video you need to watch to the end because I have some really important information before you go through the application process that you need to know now YouTube has made some major policy changes to their partner program so you don’t want to miss this and I will also discuss when it’s actually be better to consider another partner program outside of YouTube let’s take a look derraleves.

com alright you ready to become a YouTube partner and to monetize your YouTube channel well to do this first you need to come up to the top click on this arrow and mouse down to Video Manager now when you click here you’re going to see all these options here on the Left what you want to do is click channel settings so let’s go ahead and select that and the next thing is is you need to make sure that your YouTube count is verified that your channels verified they do it through SMS or a voice mail going to a phone or a cell phone check out my video on that also you need to make sure that you are in good standing that you have no copyright strikes against you if so you won’t be able to actually monetize and make money on your YouTube channel and basically the third step is to make sure that your account is more than 30 days old once that’s done you can actually click this an able button where it says monetization or to become a YouTube partner so let’s go ahead and do that and basically it says it’s not enabled yet what we’ll want to do is enable your accounts and you need to make sure that you actually have videos that are uploaded there they won’t let you monetize this but let’s go ahead and hit this blue button here and it’s basically to go through the terms and service that you’re going into to work with YouTube and also Adsense you need to make sure that you’ve read the agreement and take time to read it now you don’t want to lose any money or to be banned by YouTube that’d be very bad so make sure you read the Terms of Service and you need to agree and also opt in for their content okay and you need to make sure that you’re older than 18 or you have a parent or guardian that’s doing this and once you do it you click this blue button down here it says I accept and once that’s done basically you just need to monetize all your videos you can choose the ad formats and hit monetize and it basically gives you a success that you basically monetized all your videos I don’t have one video on this channel go ahead and hit got it ok now it takes you back to the video managers for your uploads and you’ll see that my only video that I have on this channel is now monetized you can tell by this little green icon that has the dollar signs in it it says it’s monetized now to basically change the monetization I’d recommend coming over to the edit button click here and you’re going to now notice that you’re actually going to have another tab here so it’s going to be basic information monetization and also advanced settings what we want to do is click on monetization and you can say hey you know what this video actually has a paid product placement you can click this as well or you could say do you know what I only want true view or overlaid ads or I don’t want any ads at all and hit save once that save you can go back to the video manager and able to see that it does not have a green thing it says it’s not monetized so you can either choose to use monetization or not based off of the videos that you’re actually producing okay right now some of you are watching this video from different countries around in the world and you might not be available to apply for the YouTube Partnership Program I know it can get disappointing now also if you see the message that your monetization tab has been disabled this actually means that your account is an eligible for monetization and you may not be in good standing so check out and see if you’re in good standing also remember that you have to be 18 years old or have a parent or guardian to actually get that money back from Google and YouTube now for you that are really serious about making money off of your video content you really need to see my special training that I put all together it’s right here just click this link it’s all about YouTube partnership programs and all the other options that are out there for you there’s a lot of information on multi-channel networks it’s a really good video you need to check it out if you can’t click on this link look in the link below in the description now for all those that are really new to my channel welcome hey just make yourself at home take time to subscribe to my channel and watch a video or two especially this video it is amazing I promise that it is om this video and that video perfectly okay I guess there’s a lot of links here and you don’t know what to click on well hit subscribe and just click on everything and I guess you’ll be following okay

Source : Youtube

How to Become a Youtube Partner – Derral shows the process of becoming a YouTube partner and monetizing your videos! Click for FREE 40 Minute Training –

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